
The World Trade Center Buffalo Niagara Podcast

At World Trade Celebration 2019, we were very excited to launch the new WTCBN Podcast – a new service to provide timely news, insights and information on international trade topics, designed to offer competitive advantage to companies trading out of the bi-national Buffalo Niagara region.


Here’s the deal…


As you know, there is a tremendous amount of uncertainty in international trade right now and, as a result, we have a boatload of content. But we can’t expect you to come to breakfast after breakfast after breakfast to get it. The podcast will be another avenue to bring you guidance and foresight, tapping into the wealth of expertise among out members and partner organizations.

The WTCBN Podcast will be published regularly, hitting on topics that are of concern to you. We’ll keep the interviews to less than 15 minutes, to keep them manageable and relevant for your schedule.

Check out the newest episode of the WTCBN podcast, with Damon Piatek, President & CEO of Welke Customs Brokers USA, talking everything tariffs – ITunes | Google Play | SoundCloud


Please make use of the podcast, enjoy it, and send us any feedback or suggested topics you have