Member Benefits

Save more than the cost of your membership

By joining World Trade Center Buffalo Niagara, you'll receive access to valuable educational programs and top international business consultants, networking opportunities, and participation in roundtable discussion groups. You'll also receive program discounts. In fact, you may easily save more than the low cost of membership. Here are some discounts you'll get when you become a member.

Events - World Trade Center Buffalo Niagara

WTCBN members receive discounts on select WTCBN educational and networking events – often at no charge. Events run throughout the year, and are designed to connect WTCBN members with international trade and business experts to help forecast and gain an advantage for strategic decision-making. For a listing of upcoming events, please visit the WTCBN Event Calendar

 Diligence Leads – Big Data Solutions – Rel8ed Analytics

World Trade Center Buffalo Niagara is proud to partner with Rel8ed, a Coface Company, to bring our members the Diligence Leads Program. Diligence leads is an exciting and powerful “Big Data” platform utilized by governments, banks and massive tech firms around the world, and is now available to WTCBN members, large and small, for a special subscription price. Click here to learn more.


WTCBN’s Global Business Academy

WTCBN members receive a significant discount on registration for our Global Business Academy (GBA). GBA is a nuts-and-bolts program for companies getting started in export, or enhancing their existing export international business. Through the course, companies are educated by experts from the bi-national Buffalo Niagara region, enjoy 1-on-1 mentoring relationships and create their own export plan. Click here to learn more.



Foreign Currency Exchange Services - Bannockburn Global Forex LLC

World Trade Center Buffalo Niagara brings you access to market-leading foreign currency exchange services at preferred rates through the scale and power of our global network. WTCBN members can learn more and request a free analysis of how much you will save with this program by calling us at 716.852.7160. Click here to learn more.

Internship Programs 

Thinking about bringing on interns? WTCBN works with a number of higher ed institutions throughout WNY and the Niagara Region who have students looking to build experience through internships. Interns provide employers a cost-effective, skilled addition to their workforce. Let us connect you with schools and programs that match the interns you’re seeking for your programs. Send us a note, or call us at 716.852.7160.