
Why WTCBN is partnering with a bunch of organizations to do a session on Blockchain for Supply Chain (and why we're doing a Blockchain 101 first!)

by Craig W. Turner

As president of World Trade Center Buffalo Niagara (WTCBN) and Executive Director for the Buffalo Niagara International Trade Gateway Organization (ITGO), I get a LOT of e-newsletters each morning. Without question, the #1 keyword across all of my morning trade and logistics newsletters is…




But after that, without question, it’s Blockchain. Every single day it seems, there’s another article about how name-brand shippers, carriers and distributors, or even industries, are implementing this fast-rising technology.

But much like any new tech, getting a foothold can be confusing – especially since most of what you read about Blockchain seems to revolve around concepts like cryptocurrency and bitcoin mining. But if there’s one area of commerce where the technology makes lots of sense, it’s in global trade and logistics.

To cover Blockchain properly, and make sure attendees get the most out of an introductory session, we took two tacts:

(1) We’re putting on the event in partnership with Blockchain Buffalo, InfoTech WNY and ITGO, knowing that the mix of practitioners and experts will not only help get the best information out there, but will create relationships beyond our two-hour session that can hopefully enhance people’s understanding of Blockchain.

(2) We’re doing the program in two parts – the first hour will be a Blockchain 101, in which we’ll provide an overview of the technology, clear up rampant misconceptions, and demystify the concept; part two, immediately following, will be a more technical “Blockchain for Supply Chain,” offering insights into the practical application of Blockchain to the space that WTCBN members occupy. We’ve chosen this format on the advice of the Blockchain Buffalo team, and feel it’s going to be a more effective way to have a conversation, rather than trying to jump right into the technical piece.

I will tell you that we’ve gotten great interest in the program, so if you’re interested in attending, I encourage you to register early. We’re thrilled to be holding the event at US Itek in Tonawanda, an exciting incubator space (with parking!) that came on-line last year – but we can get a max of 55 people in the room.


Click here for more information or to register.